If your card has enough funds including possible currency conversion fees of 3,50%, there is nothing that could prevent this payment from going through as far as Volet.com is concerned. Security settings of your merchant are an important factor here. Sometimes shops or other merchants only accept payments made with cards issued in the country of your residence. Also, even though your Canada USD MC card has no 3D Secure feature, the Canada USD MC card vendor has special agreements with Mastercard about using these cards with 3DS-enabled merchants. Still, on very rare occasions some merchants can restrict your card because it has no 3DS.
We also recommend mentioning the MCC code of the shop or website where you tried to pay. Certain MCC codes may be blocked by the card vendor according to their antifraud and AML policies.
Payments made with your Canada USD MC card may be declined for these types of services:
- Wires, Money Orders
- Financial Institutions
- Non-Financial Money Orders
- MoneySend Intercountry (for example, Transferwise)
- MoneySend Funding
- Betting/Gambling